Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A Sesquipedalian Adventure - Part 2

AG 13


   Sadly, we had to return home without little Tiny. We could not find him anywhere!  

   Then a whole week later....

Karen:  Lula, I'm sad that we could not find Tiny.  He was such a cute puppy.
Lula:  It is terrible!  That big bird, carried him off.  Remember how it chased little Josie?  Will we ever see him again?

Lula:  What is all that noise?  
Karen:  It sounds like it is outside.  Let's go look!

Woof!  Yip, Yip!!!
Rose:  Do you hear that scary noise? 
Ivy:  It might be the Big Bad Wolf!  

Lula:  The Big Bird!  

Karen:  It sounds like Dogs!  I think I've heard that yip before!

Phebe:  I better climb up the piano and look out the window.

Rose:  Do you see anything?
Phebe:  Yes, I see PUPPIES! 

Lula and Karen:  Tiny!  and ???
Tiny:  Yip! Yip! Yip!
???:  Woof!  Woof!
What sweet puppies!  We are so glad you found your way to us!

Karen:  Lula, where do you think he has been?   How 
how did he get here?
Lula:  Oh, look!  He is trembling all over!  You are safe with us.  

Would you like to be our very own little puppies? 

Karen:  If only we could understand dog talk!  He could tell us an 

"Oh!"  said Phebe, surprised. "A doggie kiss!"

And that is how Bach and Tremelo came to the Paws on Keys Music School.

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